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Recipes for the Mind
Recipes for the Mind
Charles Lindsay
Poems and photographs revealing a life on the move, from nature to the machine and beyond.
Recipes for the Mind
Charles Lindsay
foreword by John P. O’Grady
5.5 x 8.25 inches
238 pages
108 color illustrations
ISBN 978-1-949597-06-6
Recipes for the Mind arrives as a somnambulist’s eruption of feverish word clouds merging with image artifacts from Charles Lindsay’s off-the-beaten path life. His hybrid mode of expression integrates the phenomena of seeing with observations on art, technology, consumption, near death experiences, encounters with wildlife, psychedelics, time travel, failure and courage, artificial intelligence, and the challenge of photo-based storytelling in an image-saturated world. Time and space have collapsed in these re-synthesized images: treated like scores, manipulated by hand, they travel from their original form to the analog, to the digital, and back to ‘real’ photographs again. This manual bending of time integrates the 108 pictures and their corresponding words into a third trans-temporal space.
Charles Lindsay received a Guggenheim Fellowship for his “CARBON” camera-less photographic process. He was the first artist-in-residence at the SETI Institute (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) in Silicon Valley and now directs the SETI AIR residency program: pairing artists with leading astro-scientists. His work has been featured in Wired, Motherboard, the New York Times Magazine. Lindsay has exhibited and lectured internationally. This is his eighth book of photographs.
“Like the most intrepid astronauts and the most audacious philosophers, Lindsay goes farther and deeper than most of us dare even to imagine. Always astonishing, his images and language provide passages to realms he’s discovered, enticing viewer and reader to expand their own explorations.”
—Jonathon Keats, art critic, Forbes.com
“Charles Lindsay’s hybrid practice stirs a lifetime of images, words, experiences and chemistry into a slurry of glitchy, trippy beauty. The results of this process are laid out in Recipes for the Mind; a book where text and image actively swap each other’s DNA, creating a variety of strange forms and slippery new meanings.”
—Fred Tomaselli, artist
“Who is Charles Lindsay? He is one possessed of the craving—the craving to know where we come from and where we are going, the whence and whither of our days…. All life is yearning and we seek satiety. Recipes for the Mind is not a work intended to satisfy the hunger, but rather one designed to stimulate the appetite.”
—from the foreword by John P. O’Grady